There is more to Bluewater than weekend services! We want to see people connect with and serve alongside fellow Christ-followers as we work together to grow in our love for God and others!

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One of the first steps in getting connected at Bluewater is to attend a “Party with the Pastors”. Join us for this laid back and enjoyable event where you will be introduced to some of the leadership of Bluewater. We will enjoy some fantastic food, tell you a little about ourselves, answer any questions you may have, and help point you on a path of quality discipleship. Please register online or contact us for more information.


It’s all about discipleship! eGroups are the best place to connect at Bluewater if you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Plus, eGroups are where the primary congregational care happens in our church with the small Group leaders being our front line shepherds. In a church like ours, this is where care and support happens. Our eGroups are designed to help you develop significant relationships with others who can encourage and challenge you to consistently apply the truths of God’s Word to each area of your life. In eGroups, we can Encounter God, Encounter Truth and Encounter Others.
eGroups are not “another thing” at Bluewater; they are the main channel for discipleship and care for each person who is a part of the Bluewater family.


Follow the biblical command to give Regularly, Generously and Cheerfully as your act of worship. We provide a number of ways for you to give financially to the church.


God has given His church people various gifts and skill sets, and at Bluewater, we have a number of areas where we are always looking for willing volunteers. Serving opportunities include Kids, Youth, Production, Worship, Sunday morning hospitality team. Click below to see where you can use your gifts and talents.


    We believe that Christian baptism by immersion in water is a public identification with Jesus Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. If you want to learn more about baptism or want to get baptized we want to help.


    We encourage parents to publicly dedicate their children to the Lord to keep them accountable to family, friends and the church community to raise their child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.