We see in the Bible that giving is a form of worship and are told that we are to give to others, give to the poor, our brothers and sisters, and as well to the Church. Your giving helps support our staff, provide ministry resources, and supplies the financial support to operate within our mission to spread the good news of Jesus!
etransfer - When giving to the church this way, donations must be sent to donations@bluewatersarnia.church. If you have a designation (other than the General Fund) it must be communicated by a separate email to stan@bluewaterbaptist.ca
electronic transfer of funds - You can give from any Canadian bank or Credit Union. Payment is made to the church in the same way you would pay a bill. Please contact the office for an account number.
pre-authorized debit - please complete an authorization form (in the brochure holder at the entrance) and submit it to the office or place it in the donation box. The transfer of funds takes place once a month. It will come out near the beginning of each month. If you are presently giving this way and wish to change the amount, please submit a new form.
You may also give through Canada Helps or on a Sunday by cheque or cash.
As always, the option of giving through the offering boxes at the back of the worship centre is available.
General Fund $0.00
Missions $0.01
Benevolent $0.02
Renewal Fund $0.03
Current Special Need announced on a Sunday, may or may not be receiptable $0.04
Christmas/Easter/Anniversary $0.05
Youth Ministry $0.06
Children's Ministry $0.08
Youth Missions $0.09
Interns (Austin Cressman) $0.11
Scholarship Fund $0.12
Bluewater Go Homeschool Academy $0.20
Anthem Church $0.23
Also, if you would like to designate your online giving (electronic transfer of funds), please add the noted cents below to your donation.